JTEKT Fuji kiko Automotive India Ltd. (Group Companies)

JTEKT Fuji Kiko Automotive India Limited (formerly known as JTEKT Fuji Kiko Automotive India Limited)is located in Bawal, Haryana on 5 acres of land. The Company is in the business of manufacturing of Jacket Assembly for steering system, Manual Column Assembly, using tube forming, Robotic Welding, Machining and Assembly Process.
The Company is a Joint Venture Company between JTEKT India Limited, India and Fuji Kiko Co. Ltd., Japan.
JTEKT India Limited is a leading steering system manufacturer in India and Fuji Kiko Co. Ltd. is one of the major Steering Column, Shifters and other drive parts manufacturer in Japan.JTEKT Fuji Kiko Automotive India Limited has technology to manufacture Jacket Assembly,Tilt & Telescopic Type and Tubular Shaft with making of external Splines through forming process.

Plant Details

The Company’s plant is located at Plot No. 25, Sector – 5, Phase – II, Growth Centre, Bawal, District Rewari – 123 501 (Haryana), India.


JTEKT Fuji kiko Automotive India Limited has obtained ISO/TS 16949:2009 certificate in month of September 2012 and ISO 14001 &OHSAS 18001 certificate in 2016.



JTEKT Fuji Kiko Automotive India Limited (formerly known as Sona Fuji Kiko Automotive Limited)Corporate Identity Number: U35122DL2007PLC166496 
Registered Office: UGF-6, Indraprakash, 21, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001, India. Telephone number: 011-23311924, Telefax: 011-233272015 
Plant: Plot No. 25, Sector - 5, Phase – II, IMT Bawal,District: Rewari – 123501, Haryana, India. Telephone number: 999 176 4424 
Head Office: M3M Cosmopolitan, 1st Floor, Sector-66, Ramgarh Road (Adjacent to Golf Course Extension, Road), Gurugram - 122002, Haryana, India Telephone Number: 0124 478 3100, Fax: 0124 478 3199 
Email: bhagwass.dass@jtekt.co.in 

Person who may be contacted in case of any queries or grievances on thelanding/home page of the said website: 
Name: Mr. Dharmveer, Manager (Human Resource& Administration) 
Contact Number: +91 9812999077 
Email id: dharmveer@jtekt.co.in